CamFrog TIPs and Tricks

Support related to the CamFrog Software is not official. While I have many years working with computers, I can only promise you that the following worked for me. While I'm confident about the tips I offered here, I cannot assure that you will have the same results. Sometimes a PC just needs to be formatted.

More VidsBe sure you you have your video properties set to 32 colors. I once thought it would speed things up if I sacrificed some color. To my surprise, once i did that I could only pull up on video. Some people can pull no cams. To check this, right click on your desktop. A window will pop up, click on each tab until you find number of colors and set them to 32.

Most vid problems can be solved to increasing your RAM. However, that requires spending money that you might not have. To over come that there is another way that usually works. That is to increase your virtual memory. How you increase virtual memory depends on your operating system. The key though is to right click on "my computer." I will provide steps for Windows XP only.

1. Click on start.
2.Right click on My Computer.
3. Click on properties.
4. Click on settings in the first block, the performance block.
5. Click on advanced.
6. Click on the advanced tab.
7. Click on change, found at the bottom of the window.
8. Click on custom settings.
9. Click on C drive at the top of the screen. (If you have more than one drive it is better to click on another drive. But you should change the drive space used on drive C to 40 for both minimum and maximum size.)
10. Click okay.
11 . Click in the minimum box and enter 2.5 times your actual ram. If you have 512Mb of ram you'd put 1280 in both the minimum and maximum blocks. Your computer will respond faster if the size of your virtual memory is not changing.
12 . You'll get several notices about rebooting your PC. Click okay and no on those.
13. Now Click on the visual effects tab. (Windows XP users only.)
14. Click on "adjust for best performance." The appearance of your desk top may change. What do you want, a pretty desk top or your programs to run at their best? If you want the best desktop possible don't change this setting.
15.Click okay.
16. Reboot.

Other steps to improve the performance of videos is to run clean disk and to defragment your hard drives several times a week. It's best to defrag though while you're away from your PC. Using Norton System Utilities allows you to schedule defragmentation while you sleep.

Another problem could be you have a slow internet connection or you have a lot of data loss.

You should visit Windows Update often and keep your computer up to date. I personally do not download new directX drivers/components until I run into a situation were I must. I cannot remember a time that a new version of directX didn't have serious bugs in them. I always wait for others to try it first. "Be not the first of whom the new is tried nor the last to law the old aside.

"If all this doesn't work, try uninstalling CamFrog. Reboot and re-install CamFrog then reboot again. Then see if it works. If none of these things work, I'm out of ideas.